Cbc-Gardens has reached over 1000 Cbc Uploads!!

Posted 5 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by King-Monhwa

Hi Friends, Monnie here (King-Monhwa

I just want to thank you all for using our site and seeing so much growth from not only members, but cbcs, and to the gallery as well!

I know the site is taking some getting used to for some people but I hope with time it gets easier c: 

I just want to say how happy and honored I am to be apart of such an amazing and wonderful community that has been so warm and welcoming to everyone who comes along.
I'm honored to have created a safe space for all us cbcers and seeing it grow and flourish so quickly really fills my heart with pride. I have done a lot of learning with building such a large community and I'm still growing as well, I hope I can continue to be a good host for our site and server c:! 

Thank you everyone, I plan to celebrate soon to show my gratitude for the growth, I'm just debating what prize to offer!

Also please take the time to thank the admins who have worked tirelessly to keep this site going and get all the babies uploaded for the world to see! Without them, Cbc-gardens would not be possible!
Our Amazing Coder:

Our Wonderful Admins:
Dokuga itafushi fay k1ib0uma lio Xenoblade 

And to our newer admins too who have been learning and helping out as much as possible!
Monotonous FluryKit

Here are some things you can look forward to in the next couple of weeks!:

- Added FAQ section

- Tutorials on how to upload and other FAQ, to help our members understand things easily!

- Site color options, just waiting on time to make art work for the banners! 

New features we've added recently:

- Character links
being able to link your chara to others and add feelings and roles to those 

- commenting on character profiles

- Cbc of the week

- Forums

- Music Genre

- Added galleries


If you have suggestions you'd like to make feel free to comment here c: 
Cbc-gardens as a whole is a little limited but there are things we may be able to add!
Cbc-gardens is built with LoreKeeper, which is a site frame and therefore we can only work with what Lorekeeper has options for ^^ but if you have suggestions we can see if that is something that is available or if its something thats in the works!


Thanks again everyone c:! I cant wait to see more of your babies and art work/writing shared on our site!! 



bellamare Avatar

thank you all!

2024-08-26 08:16:55

King-Monhwa Avatar
King-Monhwa Staff Member

waaaah you're so very welcome c:!!!! 

2024-08-26 18:27:31

AmberzAngelz Avatar

I'm still confused by the submitting a canon based oc can someone dumb it down like you're explaining it to a 5 year old 💀

2024-08-21 09:40:06

King-Monhwa Avatar
King-Monhwa Staff Member

Can you elaborate what part you're confused about c:? Like the submission process itself or just the Canon Based Characters existing or? 

2024-08-21 14:16:07

AmberzAngelz Avatar

Submitting! I have an OC based on Spring Bonnie (it's a anthro)

2024-08-21 17:54:43

StormBolts Avatar

I know there's an inventory system, do you guys plan to do anything with that or is just something the site has that's dormant?

2024-08-19 18:49:46

King-Monhwa Avatar
King-Monhwa Staff Member

That's something that's there by default, we may consider an arpg in the future possibly but it would depend on if there is a demand for it c: 

2024-08-20 01:09:53

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